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Wir folgen gemeinsam Jesus - We follow Jesus together - Seguimos a Jesus juntasWir lieben das Abenteuer mit Gott - We love adventures with God - Amamos a aventura com DeusWir träumen von einer neuen Kirche und Welt - We dream of a new church and a new world - Sonhamos com uma nova igreja e um novo mundoWir sind Franziskanerinnen von Sießen - We are Franciscan Sisters of Siessen - Somos Irmãs Franciscanas de Siessen

In our Provinces in Brazil, Germany and South Africa, we want to make the Gospel tangible. We praise, love and serve God in the spirit of St. Francis and St. Clare in simplicity and humility. We live with people and we love and respect God's creation. We believe in the power of life that is in every human being. Together we build the kingdom of God.

Tasks of the Generalate


The most important leader of the community is the Holy Spirit who guides us collectively and individually. It is the task of the Congregational Leadership to listen to this guidance and to bring the various movements together.

Be oriented

Attentive to the signs of the times and to the movements within the Congregation as well as creatively faithful to our history, we are finding our path forward into the future that God wants to give us.

Build community

In order for community to grow, we need opportunities for contact, a wide heart for cultural differences and a certain curiosity as to how Jesus wants to meet us through our fellow sister.

Promote contact

We do not live on an island. In order to fulfill our mission in this world, we live in a variety of relationships with people, groups and institutions, including those of other confessions.

Learn more
Our Focus 2020 - 2026

Meet! Listen! Tell! Discover! Care! Grow! Be!


Spiritual, attentive, Trinitarian, together as missionaries 24/7 with Franciscan DNA

What drives us


“The Lord gave me …” In his Testament, Francis repeats these words again and again and, thereby, describes the guidance of God experienced in his life. If one wants to express his way of life in summary, then it is probably life according to the Gospel. This is also the core of our lives …

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