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Project South Africa Family Support
Enabling children and young people to receive an education
Our sisters in South Africa live among the poor population. There, they are often confronted with complex problems.
► In rural regions, it is particularly difficult to find a job. Therefore, many people move near the city, hoping to find something there. But in the townships where they then live, the unemployment rate is 50-75%.
► Approximately 12% of people in South Africa (about 7 million inhabitants) are infected with HIV. Fathers drop out, mothers have the virus themselves and don’t know how much longer they can care for their children. Often grandparents have to take in their grandchildren, who are left behind as orphans.
► The lack of education of large parts of the lower class leads to manifold difficulties and short-sighted attempts at solutions. That is why it is important that children and young people can have access to school, training and study. With the help of your donations, our sisters support the families with school fees, school materials, food packages, medical fees, but also with the payment of driver’s licenses, which are necessary prerequisites to practice various professions.
On behalf of all children, youth and young people, we say thank you very much for your support!