The Provincial House of our Brazilian Province is located in Guaratinguetá, São Paulo State. In addition to the Convents on the grounds of the Provincial House, there are two Convents in this city with Sisters who live and work on the grounds of a “Fazenda da Esperança”. There is also a Convent in Garça, also in the state of São Paulo. The daycare center there was one of the first Convents of the Province. Today, the Convent has a special prayer mission. In Coroatá in the state of Maranhão, the focus of our Sisters’ work is on pastoral ministry and caring for the sick and drug addicts. The picture on the right shows the Provincial Leadership. from left to right: Ir. Angelice Maria Dos Santos Portela (Provincial Councillor), Ir. M. Debora Endres (Provincial Vicaress), Ir. Rosa Maria Severino (Provincial Superior), Ir. Iracema Willan ( Provincial Councillor), Ir. Marcia Aparecida Escher (Provincial Councillor).

Estrada Vicinal Plínio Galvão César, 26 Jardim Aeroporto CEP: 12.512-305 Guaratinguetá – SP