Wenn fast 300 Frauen, die auf drei Kontinenten in fünf Ländern leben, eine Kongregation bilden und gemeinsam in die Zukunft gehen wollen, dann ist der Einsatz und die Beweglichkeit jeder Einzelnen notwendig, und es braucht viel Heiligen Geist sowie eine Leitung, die diesen Prozess begleitet. Unsere Leitungsstruktur sieht so aus:
General Leadership
The three members of the General Council are elected every six years by the General Chapter, which is an assembly of delegates from the sisters of all provinces. Since August 2020, the General Leadership comprises:
Superior General

Sr M. Karin Berger
General Vicaress

Sr M. Tanja Lohr
General Councilor

Sr M. Emanuela Tieze
The task of accompanying the Provinces and also supervising them is assumed by the General Leadership. When it comes to the central questions for the future of the Congregation and the common path, the three Provincial Superiors join the leadership board.
The Provincial Superiors
The provincial superiors are elected by the provincial chapter for a term of office of six years. They are ex officio members of the Congregational Leadership.
Brazilian Province

Sr Rosa Maria Severino
German Province

Sr Marie-Sophie Schindeldecker
South African Province