In view of the upcoming elections to the German Bundestag, the Conference of Catholic Religious…
The journey is the destination – feel the dust under your feet
They spent seven days walking through the Danube valley with rucksacks and sleeping bags until the young pilgrims arrived at Siessen Monastery. The hot sun, the dust under their feet and some cool refreshment in the Danube or in the woods were constant companions during these days. Walking became an inner and outer journey for all participants. Pilgrimage experts Sr. M. Luzia and Sr. M. Ina Franziska accompanied the group with biblical impulses and elements from WaVe® vocation coaching. The young people came together from Berlin to Basel in Switzerland. Being strangers to each other quickly turned into a sense of community with deep conversations and great encounters. You can just be here, said one participant. Stops along the way included the Maria Hilf church ruins in the middle of the forest near Fridingen, Beuron Abbey, Gutenstein and Sigmaringen. On August 17, everyone arrived at the last stop in the Siessen chapel with many new borderline experiences and richer perspectives for their lives.