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Project Brazil
Take the Gospel to the people
Among other things, the Coronavirus pandemic has also brought faith proclamation activities to a standstill. Many believers have still not re-established contact with their church communities or no longer take part in faith events, church services, etc.
In order to reach people and believers again, the Sisters are now increasingly going to the people to talk to them and invite them to various events. Workshops and faith courses are offered for young people, talks are given (with online connection option) and community missions are held in parishes. It is also possible to live with the Sisters for some time and take part in the spiritual program. So-called “biblical games without end” are offered for children and young people. It is all about carrying the hope of faith to the people.
The Sisters in the Brazilian province sense a great longing, especially among the young people, to find the deeper meaning of their lives. Therefore, they want to encourage young people to discover God in their personal lives, to have an experience with Him, and to reflect on their task in the Church and the world. They shall be able to critically question the standards of their society and courageously get involved in order to become responsible citizens.
These programs take place at various locations in Brazil. Donations are used to pay for teaching materials, travel expenses and meals.